
A Shorter Guide to the Holy Spirit: Bible, Doctrine, Experience is unavailable, but you can change that!

Anthony Thiselton’s scholarly book The Holy Spirit—In Biblical Teaching, through the Centuries, and Today was published to wide acclaim in 2013 and received a 2014 Christianity Today Book Award. This shorter volume makes Thiselton’s vast biblical-theological knowledge and brilliant insight more accessible to more readers.

that every area of the person is full of God’s presence. No area is withheld. And so every part of the skill and understanding becomes divinely endowed with the full presence of divinity.”13 The seventy elders receive the gift of good administration to relieve Moses of the task (Num. 11:16–25). Eugene Merrill comments, “Num. 11:16–30 is replete with references to the spirit or ‘God’s Spirit’ (seven times in vv. 17, 25, 26, 29), all in the context of the instalment of seventy elders empowered to assist
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